HomeLocal GovernmentPublic Records > SEARCH TEXT in ALL DOCUMENTS

The documents currently available to search and view online are City Council agendas (since 1994), packets (since May 2015), and minutes (since 1961), along with contracts, resolutions, and ordinances (all since 2001).

On this page, you can search for a word or phrase within the full text of all available documents. Enter your term (surrounded by quotation marks) in the Search field and click the Search button. Click below for more detailed instructions:


Note: This search is not perfect, especially with older documents scanned from hard copy. Users looking for specific Council documents can also try the "Public Agenda, Packets and Minutes Search" drop-down option, which relies on dates, names, and other identifying details supplied by City staff.

**For an exact match, surround your search term with quotation marks ("").**
For example, to locate documents that mention XYZ Corporation, enter "XYZ" in the search box.

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